What's Next?

Whether you heard the message from Sunday or are part of one of our “What’s Next” groups at Venture, here’s a way for you to go deeper.

this week's next steps

I will memorize John 15:1-2

I will draw near to Jesus and commit to a life of fruitfulness

Pray through the Lent season here and ask God who to invite to Easter at Venture

This week's Bible reading plan

This week's fill-in notes

This week's study

In John 15, Jesus teaches about being the vine and us being the branches, revealing that true life with Him is not a casual interest or a mere title, but a profound, transformational reality. It's not about simply identifying as a Christian or having a mental agreement with certain beliefs. Instead, it's about a vital connection where we utterly depend on, draw life from, and are developed through Jesus. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit apart from the vine, we cannot live a truly fruitful Christian life apart from an intimate, abiding relationship with Him. This is more than an insurance policy for eternity; it's about a dynamic, living connection.

Being "in Christ" is like being a sponge, where His life permeates ours, changing us from the inside out. This stands in contrast to being a brick, where we are merely surrounded by something but not truly changed by it. The challenge is posed: Is our life truly in Jesus, and is Jesus' life truly in us? This involves a life of dependence, drawing upon His strength, and allowing the Holy Spirit to develop fruit in us. Fruitfulness, then, is not an optional extra but an inevitable outcome of a genuine connection with Jesus, and true discipleship is marked by this transformation. It's a call to move beyond mere identification to a deep, life-altering union with Christ.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Jesus uses the imagery of the vine and branches. How does this image help you understand your relationship with Him beyond simply identifying as a Christian?
  2. The text contrasts a "hobby" with "life with Jesus." What are some signs in our own lives that might indicate we are treating our faith more like a hobby than a vital connection?
  3. What does it mean for you to "utterly depend" on Jesus and "draw life" from Him? Can you share a specific example of when you felt this dependence or drawing in your life?
  4. Fruitfulness is described as an "inevitable outcome" of a genuine connection with Jesus. What does "fruitfulness" mean to you in this context, and how can we discern if it's present in our lives?
  5. The passage mentions the Holy Spirit's role in developing fruit in us. How can we actively allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives to produce this fruit?

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