At Venture we believe that men are the cornerstone of both the church and our community, and we are called to be leaders under God’s direct supervision and development. We don’t want to be stagnant in our faith or our leadership. We want to become strong, influential men who are passionate for God.

One of the best ways to get connected to other guys at Venture is to get involved in a group. Visit our Groups page for a current list of groups offered for the men of Venture Church.
Men's Breakfasts
Join us on the 2nd & 4th Saturdays each month from 8:30-10am at the Mill Creek Campus for a morning of delicious food, great community, and an encouraging word. Our 2nd Saturday of the month is all about getting CONNECTED, and the 4th Saturday is focused on EQUIPPING you in your relationship with Jesus.
Men's Fall Retreat
Men's Conference
Our Fall Retreat is for men specifically from Venture Church. This is a 2-night getaway filled with worship, activities, great food, and the opportunity to go home feeling like you really got to know some guys from Venture. This is a 2-night trip that will be a great investment in your personal walk with Jesus.
Each spring the men of Venture join men from across our state at the Northwest Ministry Network Men's Conference. This is a 2 night conference designed specifically for men to be challenged, encouraged and build friendships.