At Venture Church, we are passionate about supporting those who are spreading the message of Christ to all nations. Currently, Venture partners with over 20 missionaries serving in 14 countries around the globe! You support these individuals when you become a Kingdom Builder. Together, we make a multiplied global impact and we never miss our support. Alternatively, if you want, you can also support their work by giving directly to individuals through the button under their profile. 
 - Explore our partners organized by country! -


Darrell & Sandy

Darrel & Sandy Blatchley have been serving the Philippines through their Family Circus Children's Ministries. They have also written six Children's church quarterly lesson books;
Recent Update
Every week five to six thousand people of all ages attend the Family Circus church services held under the ‘Big Top’, a big circus tent pitched in the center of the densely populated “Muslim Friendship Village" in Davao City, Mindanao City, Philippines. 
Prayer Request
Prayer that Muslim families continue to give their life to Christ!


John Vincen serves at an international church in Surabaya, Indonesia where they are reaching the lost. Him & the team have a goal of planting 100 churches in Indonesia - they are currently at 74
Recent Update
In 2024 they built several churches in Papua, and have finished up to 90!  Next year is a big year for them as we will reach the finish line of their goal of 100!  Pray for them to finish strong in 2025.
Prayer Request
They have begun fund raising to build a community leadership center here in Surabaya.  They hope to have all funds raised by the middle of 2025.  It is their hope that this Center will also be the location of their 100th church.  Pray for all the needed funds to come in this coming year!

John & Korie

The Taylors have been in Indonesia since 2004 & they are currently leading a multi-site Indonesian church. Since moving there, they have  planted 73 churches in Indonesia!
Recent Update
On Sunday, December 8, they presented The Humble King, a musical production that retold the Gospel story based on the Divine Romance between Jesus and His people. Many people without Christ came through their doors and they had a record attendance; 1,000 people more than a typical Sunday joined them. People were challenged to Believe in Jesus and Follow Him. 

They are on the road to planting 100 churches in Indonesia with 73 being built! 
Prayer Request
Prayer that growth continues!

Johnathan & Mary Winters 

The Winter's have lived in Indonesia since 2006 where they have  ministered to unreached people groups & equipped leaders to share the gospel.
Recent Update
They have now been living & working in Indonesia for 19 years! 
Prayer Request
Pray that they continue discovering the wonder of living for God in Indonesia.

Sensitive Country - ASia

We are currently supporting three missionaries in sensitive countries throughout Asia. Sensitive countries are areas where sharing the gospel can be dangerous. You can see their prayer request below!
Recent Update
We currently support 3 missionaries located in various places across Asia. Between them & their families they are reaching 88 unreached people groups that have never heard the gospel. 
Prayer Request
Prayers that they remain safe as they share the gospel in unreached regions.


Jordy & Elizabeth Nunez

The Nunez family operates a specialty coffee shop while working alongside a dedicated church planting team in Estonia, where they are building community & sharing the love of Christ.
Recent Update
They were just in the US iterating & now are headed back to Estonia to share the gospel!
Prayer Request

Lisa Russi 

Lisa works in France where she co-founded Perles de Prix, a movement of churches that offers spiritual direction, resources, friendship, and community to women in prostitution.
Recent Update
She is in the middle of planting my third anti-trafficking outreach in France in the city of Lille. God has assembled a team of wonderful volunteers to come together at night in the middle of a work week to share Christ's love to a marginalized group. It is a testament to the love and transformation that comes from Christ that his followers would choose to do this! 
Prayer Request
Pray for connections with the women trafficked into prostitution that they meet on the streets.  Pray for both physical and spiritual health for the volunteers as they walk into these dark places. 

Weston & Alison Stover

The Stover's work in Portugal on University Campuses to see the lives of college students changed! Along with that, they are working with the local church to share the gospel. 
Recent Update
They've been spending time on campus at the University of Lisbon. One of their goals has been using the time to gain insight into campus culture in Portugal. They've built a great relationship with one student, in particular, who has become a sort of culture guide for them.  She has been invaluable in how things work at the university level in Portugal!  She is far from Christ, so in addition to praising God for her willingness to help them, we're also praying for her to find Jesus.
Prayer Request
As they're pioneering university student ministry in Portugal, there isn't an understanding of its importance already instilled in the church. So they'd also love prayers for being able to cast vision effectively and widely - in their second language nonetheless! They want to be inspiring and deep at the same time, not sacrificing one for the other.

latin america

Rick & Ruth Johnson

Dominican Republic
The Johnson's have been on the mission field since 1984 where they have faithfully served  to provide focus on the development of Member Care for the Dominican Republic.
Recent Update
They are continuously focusing on the development of Member Care for this region
Prayer Request
They appreciate prayer as they serve in member care for missionaries. For wisdom and sensitivity of the Holy Spirit. We also desire that when providing pastoral counseling, and while teaching, to give insight and encouragement by the Holy Spirit and from the Scriptures. 


Sensitive Country

We are currently supporting three missionaries in sensitive countries throughout Asia. Sensitive countries are areas where sharing the gospel can be dangerous. Click this link to see current prayer requests! If you would like to give to missionary in a sensitive country you can give directly to Kingdom Builders.
Recent Update
We have several missionaries serving in Egypt! A recent update is that several of them are working on learning the Egyptian dialect of Arabic!
Prayer Request
Prayers that they remain safe as they share the gospel in unreached regions.