Our Vision
For many of us there is little connection from Sunday service to Monday morning at the office. The world asks that we privatize our faith and leave it outside the walls of the workplace. But by God’s perfect design, our work has the ability to change the course of society. By integrating faith and work, we strive to follow God’s call to “work for the peace and prosperity of the city where I sent you into exile.” We believe that the Bible can not only change individuals, but whole communities, industries, and nations. And we believe God uses our everyday work to accomplish His redemptive purposes in the world.
What is Faith and work?
Faith and Work is Venture’s ongoing effort to bring peace and prosperity to the city of
Seattle through our work in the shattered church of the secular marketplace. Faith and Work helps equip those who are called to work outside the walls of the church to
engage in business as a means of partnering with God in bringing Shalom to Empire.
We do this by offering classes, small groups, invitations to Keynote conversations
discussing what it means to be Christian in the modern workplace, and opportunities to
mentor or be mentored, along with time to unwind in fellowship. Faith and Work creates a
community where business people can connect and engage with one another in both
impactful and decompressive ways.
11 principles to faith and Work
1. God Himself works and ordains that humans work: Genesis 1:1-2:4
2. God sets the pattern of work: Exodus 20:9-10
3. Jesus demonstrated honest labor is noble: Ephesians 4:28
4. Rebellion led God to cursing creation and work: Genesis 3:17 and Romans 8:18-23
5. Work is mandatory: Exodus 20:9
6. Work shares identity: Mark 6:3
7. Work and vocation are not identical: Acts 18:3
8. Human abilities vary: Matthew 25:14-30
9. Work that results from the fall is still noble: Colossians 3:23
10. God calls every disciple to full-time service: Matthew 6:10, 33
11. In our work, we can become the hands of God: Matthew 25:31-46
2. God sets the pattern of work: Exodus 20:9-10
3. Jesus demonstrated honest labor is noble: Ephesians 4:28
4. Rebellion led God to cursing creation and work: Genesis 3:17 and Romans 8:18-23
5. Work is mandatory: Exodus 20:9
6. Work shares identity: Mark 6:3
7. Work and vocation are not identical: Acts 18:3
8. Human abilities vary: Matthew 25:14-30
9. Work that results from the fall is still noble: Colossians 3:23
10. God calls every disciple to full-time service: Matthew 6:10, 33
11. In our work, we can become the hands of God: Matthew 25:31-46